Clé USB avec DOS

Vous n'avez pas de disquette mais vous devez booter sous DOS ?

Ce petit utilitaire vous y aidera :

This file will turn a USB Storage device into the equivalent of a bootable floppy, with also the added extra of having the DOS interactive version of Norton Ghost

1.Please note that when extracting files from the zip to make sure you have the "Use Folder Names" option Checked

2.Install SP27213.exe

3.Run the installed application

4.Select apporpraite device, file system and volume label

5.Check Create DOS Startup Disc and then click sub option of "Using Dos System Files Located at"

6.Select the folder DOS System Files (These are for Win XP Only, for all other OS you will need to download the files from somewhere)you just extracted from the zip

7.Click Start 8.Copy Folder GBDF over to USB Device To have Norton Ghost Installed

Télécharger ici

mot de passe de l'archive : pasta



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mot de passe de l'archive : pasta

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