SydneyByNight 720 MegaPixels

- Total Resolution: 720 MegaPixels (approx 40,000 x 18,000 pixels)
- Camera Used: Canon 10D, Canon 100-400L lens
- Total Photos Used: 169 (90% at 400mm, 10% at 200mm)
- Exposure: 6 second, f/6.7, ISO 200
- Time to take Photos: 52 minutes
- Software Used to Create Image: Autopano Pro
- Time for Autopano Pro to Create Image: Less than 1 hour!
- Final Image Size: 1.3 GB!
- Web Viewer Software: Zoomify, with 14,729 demand-loaded images

Voici une énorme photo de 1.3Giga, 40000 par 18000 pixels !


Vous pouvez zoomer et zoomer et zoomer !

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