PROMT vous offre des services de traduction de documents accessibles au sein des applications de la suite Microsoft® Office 2003. Les utilisateurs de Microsoft® Office 2003 beneficient ainsi de la technologie de traduction automatique de calibre mondial de PROMT. Le systeme PROMT prend en charge les directions de traduction suivantes:
- Anglais – Français
- Anglais – Allemand
- Anglais - Russe
- Anglais – Espagnol
- Anglais – Portugais
- Allemand – Anglais
- Allemand – Français
- Allemand – Russe
- Français – Anglais
- Français – Allemand
- Français – Russe
- Français – Espagnol
- Espagnol – Français
- Espagnol – Anglais
- Espagnol – Russe
- Portugais – Anglais
- Italian – Russe
- Russe – Anglais
- Russe – Allemand
- Russe – Espagnol
- Russe – Français
This translation software is really a very practic tool both for professional translators and for those who don't know a single word in a foreign language. Surely, a text translated by machine is sometimes not perfect, but I have a chance to observe the development of some machine translation software (including PROMT) during the last 5-7 years, and I've seen an obvious progress in the quality of translation as well as in the software features like translating image files, using translation memory database, etc. Perhaps it wouldn't be too optimistic to suppose that relatevely soon it would be hard to distinguish a human translation from a machine translation (in fact, it happens from time to time even actually).